Peanut, Daisy, Jasper, Lillie

Peanut, Daisy, Jasper, Lillie
Posed and not barking. Two miracles, captured on film!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

bad week, good weekend

So it was a bad week last week, with a good weekend.  Sound just like everyone else's week?  Well, mine was worse than usual, at least for me.  And better than usual, at least for me.

Last Tuesday the Fiance went into the hospital.  Heart pain, pressure, shortness of breath - sound familiar?  If not, you better look it up, because it can happen to anyone!  But for him, it meant a trip to the emergency room.  They did an EKG, and no heart attack, so they stuck him back in the waiting room for another four hours.  Finally we actually got into the ER and all their nice drugs and care, and 12 hours after his arrival (and four hours after my departure) he was actually in a room all his own!

So there was much humming and hawing on the part of the doctors.  Tests were run.  He was finally released at noon on Friday.  He's been diagnosed with small vessel disease, and has significant damage already, so while it's not like he has three months to live or whatever, he does have less time than the average bear.  So, we are coming to grips with that, and what that means to us.  Thus far, we've simply decided that a) no, he doesn't want to get any more medieval on his diet, and b) enjoy each day (the sung title of the Tim McGraw song, "Live Like You Are Dying" keeps running through my head).  We've also cried a little, but not too much.  Not yet.

But now the weekend has begun, and I turned 50 on Saturday!  Which I find unimaginable -- SOOOO old -- but it's true.  I do the math, and it's right. 

Friday night we took a wine sampling train ride, which was fun.  Saturday afternoon at the spa.  Saturday night having one of the best dinners of my life.  AND I got an iPad from the Fiance.  What's not to like??

So, I will see the good.  I'm so lucky to have found this guy.  Anything's possible.  Keep rolling along, enjoying the days.

1 comment:

  1. You and Fiance really had a roller coaster week. That's life...I guess we just have to be thankful we're still along for the ride. I try to remind myself of Lee Ann Womack's "I Hope You Dance", because I'm bad about remembering to enjoy life. Glad you both had a enjoyable weekend.

    Happy Birthday! Here's to many more for both of you. And enjoy your 50th year - I'm a few years past I wish I was 50 again!
