Peanut, Daisy, Jasper, Lillie

Peanut, Daisy, Jasper, Lillie
Posed and not barking. Two miracles, captured on film!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

why did i get dogs again?

So I love my dogs.  I love my dogs I love my dogs I love my dogs.  I am certain if I repeat that enough times, it will be true.

No, seriously.  I do love my dogs.  But sometimes, I want to kill them dead.

Times like today, where, once we got past the dishwasher repair person, we seemed to be okay.  But then the bug guy showed up, and we were over the edge.  As I often say, my dogs bark if a bug farts in the backyard, and this is definitely proving to be one of those days.

Or times like last night, when we got home late and the dogs were so happy to see us.  We fed them, and then a bit later I took them out again for a trip to doggie potty-land.  And then, right before we went to bed, as we headed out on 'last time out', I found the presents they left for me.  At first I thought it was only a couple pieces of poo, but after cleaned up those and took them out, I discovered the piece of toilet paper stuck to my shoe.  Stuck with poo.  Dog poo.  Which I'd now tracked around, because apparently all the poo was not together (cause what fun would that be, to poo all in one place?) and I'd stepped on a turd.  Yes, nothing quite so much fun as being on hands and knees, scrubbing the grout of poo at 11:45 at night.

Yes, I love my dogs, I do.  Even though I think Jasper just hacked something up on the carpet.  Yup.  They're great.