Peanut, Daisy, Jasper, Lillie

Peanut, Daisy, Jasper, Lillie
Posed and not barking. Two miracles, captured on film!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Meet the Peanut.

This is Rosebud, or Rosie, more commonly called the Peanut, or simply the Nut. Also the Kielbasa, cause she's a chubby little thing.  I love this pic cause she looks like such an angel, and while she is a sweetie, I'm not sure about 'angel'.  This must be a week or so after I picked her up from the Humane Society - this particular one a four hour drive to BFE - and if you look you can see that there's some hair lacking from her ear.  But that's grown in now, and her tail looks less rat-like, and since her hair overall has been growing, we're starting to place bets on how long the hair on the rest of her body may become.

She is a growl-y little thing, less so than when we got her, though, and she is a barker, like all dachshunds.  She sits at night in the family room, looking into the solarium, which is dark, barking at nothing.  I explain it away as seeing lights reflecting on the glass, and reacting to those, but between you and me, I think she's just a wackadoodle.  Don't tell her I said that!

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