Peanut, Daisy, Jasper, Lillie

Peanut, Daisy, Jasper, Lillie
Posed and not barking. Two miracles, captured on film!!

Friday, January 7, 2011


So I'm a slacker.  Seriously - it's January 7 and I'm posting the Christmas picture of the dogs!!  Anyone other than me see something wrong there?

And my last posting was THANKSGIVING.

Good grief.

Lots is happening.  I think this year will be a year of positive change.  I'm a strong proponent of sharing plans, desires, hopes and dreams.  After all, if you don't know what you want, you won't be able to get to it.  And if others don't know what you want, they can never help you attain it.  Sometimes, it's the smallest actions that can assist - even just a kind word.  I think it's a good idea to blog some of this.  So I'm committing to blog at least once a week.  I would commit to more, but my hope is that I'm going to have enough other stuff going on to make it difficult to blog more than that.

So, I hope you enjoy the dogs' picture.  Talk to you soon -

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lorraine!
    Glad to see you back and barking for 2011. I've been too busy too blog much myself lately.

    I'm looking forward to reading your posts on your plans, desires, hopes, and dreams for 2011. Keep posting, and best wishes for making some of your dreams come true! (Love the Christmas outfits on your dogs.)
